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Advertising Media Kit | 2023

Founded in 1873, The Havard Crimson is the nation’s oldest continuously published daily college newspaper and the only daily publication of Cambridge, Massachusetts.




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The Crimson



Media Kit

Advertising Media Kit | 2023 - Page 1

TABLEOFCONTENTS ㄀਀ AboutUs 㜀਀ Prin琀਀ ㈀਀ BytheNumber猀਀ 㠀਀ Podcas琀਀ ㌀਀ SponsoredConten琀਀ 㤀਀ Digital News Display猀਀ 㐀਀ Social Media 1 ਀ Special Publication猀਀ 㔀਀ Email Newslette爀਀ 1㄀਀ Publication Schedul攀਀ 6 Onlin਀漀 1㈀਀ Formatting Speci昀椀cation猀਀ 13 ContactUs

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1 Foundedin1873,TheHarvardCrimsonisthe nation’s oldest continuously published daily college newspaperandtheonlydailypublicationof Cambridge,Massachusetts਀㠀 TheCrimson is published every morning, Monday throughFriday,withtheexceptionoffederaland HarvardUniversityholidays.Inadditiontothedaily publication, The Crimsonpublishesanartssection everyTuesdayandFifteenMinutes,theweekend magazineofTheHarvardCrimson,everyThursday਀㠀 ABOUTUS Ouronlinewebsite, , is updated daily withall the samecontentofthedailynewspaper, reachingover15millionmembersoftheglobalHarvard communityeveryyear਀㠀 Newsanddigitalheadlinesaredistributedtothe HarvardBusinessSchool,HarvardLawSchool,Harvard University Science Center, Smith CampusCenter, Harvarddormitoriesandalumniaroundtheworld⸀਀

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Q ality artic irection our n u lish, and gaging ores m n p andglo l aud ce o im ression 86% recal ra eviews am th s 42.2 s t lick-thro gh ra of la x 4 t Ho tedonth /sponsor inde itel a pa edwithS ebookPo sf r ea ut n

. . . theharvardcrimson theharvardcrimson INSTAGRA䴀਀ Sponsoredsocialmedia STORY withintheHarvardcom INSTAGRA䴀਀ 1080x1920pi yourbusinesstopr POST 1080 x 1080 pi AND OVE Instagramsponsored post and MADE ON story on the Harvard Crimson SPONSOR 4K Y OU删⠀ page, followed by over 19k users AD V ER T SIEMEN吠⠀ HERE FACEBOOK POST OUR Y 1200x628pi TISEMENT†⠀ 800x418pi HERE ER V AD Twitter promotedpostonthe Facebooksponsoredpost HarvardCrimsonpage,followed theHarvardCrimsonpage, byover 56.3k users followedbyover 80kusers

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EMAI䰀਀ NEWSLETTE ENGAGINGCO hand-pickedbyTheCrimsonnewsroo BreakingNews|CampusEvents|Dinin Emailnewsletteradvertisingreachesal r audiencethatisbestsuitedforraisingawar ab eventsandprograms,opportunitiesanda io subs andotherdatesanddeadlines. fr N da਀茀 en甀਀ e out ns,

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6 LEADERBOARD 728x 90pi ONLINE Newsarticles,editorials, investigative PRIMARY 300x 600 pi features, and all other content producedbyTheCrimsonispublished਀㠀 on BOX 300 x 250 pi Onlineadvertisingisoneofthebest waystoengagetheglobalHarvard communityonalargescale. Harvard alumni,parents,andothermembersof theglobalHarvardcommunity representthemajorityofourdigital 1,400,00 ਀ EVER夀਀ audience,aswellasstudentsand pageviews faculty on campus. MONT䠀਀ 1,300,00 ਀ } uniquereaders

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7 HALF EI G HTH Q U AR TER FULL PRINT 1 1/2 1/਀䈀 1/㐀਀ FEATUREDAD 11.5” x 10 .25” 5. 75” x 5.125” 11.5” x 20 .5” 5. 75” x 10 .25” BACK P AGE TheweeklyprinteditionofTheHarvardCrimsonisdistributedall FULL COLOR acrossHarvard,commandinganengagedandloyalaudienceof undergraduatesandgraduatestudents,faculty/staffmembers, residents of the Cambridgecommunity,andalumninationwide਀㠀 Acomprehensiveoutreachcampaignfeaturesprinttocreatethe P AGE ㈀਀ strongest brand awarenessthroughouttheHarvardcommunity. COLOR BANNER

8 jjohnharvohnharvarard36d36 PODCAST 130+ Download猀਀ perepisode Listeners acros猀਀ FOUR CONTINENTS Releasedin2023,NewstalkisThe Harvard Crimson’s昀氀agshipnewspodcastseries਀㠀 Promoteyourbusinesswith 15&30 secondadvertisementoptionsin betweenthemostimportantstoriesfrom 11,500+ ViewsonTwitte爀਀ Harvard’s campusandbeyond.

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9 DIGITAL NEW匀਀ DISPLAYS The dynamic, interactive nature of our displays makes digital advertising the ideal way to promote your products, services, and events to 1 0 8 0 x 1 6 0 0 p i x e l 猀਀ a wide receptive audience. 43" LCD Scree渀਀ (1080 x 1600 HD photos, graphics, 80% video⤀਀  ਀ VIEWER RECALL RATES HIGH-TRAFFIC LOCATIONS 11ACROSS CAMPU匀਀ Dining Hall Main Campus Center Height: 5'11∀਀ Lecture Hall Width : 2'1" Upperclassmen dorms

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10 SPECIA䰠⠀ RELEASES TheHarvardCrimson createsspecialreleases for speci昀椀ceventsonandaround campusthroughout theyear. Thesearetheperfect timesforyoutotarget a large and special demographic audience. GUIDETOSUMMER OPPORTUNITIES MAR FALL WELCOMEBACK SEP Informs students of summer internships, jobs, and programs. This special issue is published on the 昀椀rst day of the school year targeted towards all undergraduates⸀਀ ADMITTEDSTUDENTS WEEKEND APR Distributed to incoming freshmen andtheir families as they HEADOFTHECHARLES OCT stay for Visitas, giving them a 昀椀rst impression of Harvard life. TheannualHead of the Charles brings in over 250,000 students, alumni, and family from across the globe⸀਀ 150TH ANNIVERSARYISSUE APR The Crimson celebratesits 150th year this April, with high- FIRST-YEAR PARENTSWEEKEND NOV visibility alumni events held throughout the week of the 27th Thousands of families and friends of underclassmen freshmen come to Cambridge for the weekend to visit campus. COMMENCEMENT MAY Thousands of students,alumni, families, and faculty attend this HARVARD-YALEGAME NOV special occasion to celebrate those earning their degrees. SPRING The annual football gameis the most anticipated college sports event in both Cambridge and NewHaven.

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11 PUBLICATIONSCHEDULE e⤀਀ ed dat Publishing (r k dash) publishing (blac Not — | 2023 Calendar Year

12 FORMATTINGSPECIFICATIONS — All media mustbe300ppiandinthecorrectcolorspace—otherwise,theadvertisementmaynotrun.300ppiis requiredforanyOnlineorSocialMediaPosts.CMYKisrequiredforanyPrint樀䘀 1125x1800pixels SOCIALMEDIA Pla琀昀orm Dimensions ColorSpace *Noprinter’s marks(nocrop marks orbleedmarks),JPGorPDF昀椀leformatpreferred. Facebook 1200x628pi RGB 800x418pi Twi琀琀er RGB 800x800pi 1080x1080pi Instagram RGB 1080x1920pi

13 14 PlymptonStree琀਀ Cambridge,MA0213㠀਀ (617) 576-660 ਀ www.thecrimson.co洀਀ CONTACTUS [email protected] CynthiaL甀਀ BusinessManage਀簀 DrewHes瀀਀ Calvin Beighl攀਀ AmyZho甀਀ Advertising Manager猀਀

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